Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Math in Fashion

A popular career choice for discerning young ladies is fashion design. The success of shows like Project Runway and Fashion Star have fueled interest in this profession. What gal wouldn't want to design her own clothes?

Before you load up your high school and college classes with nothing but "Sewing 101" and "Cotton for Dummies", consider taking that advanced algebra class. Why? You would be surprised how many ways designers use math everyday. From measurements, to prices, to shipping orders....they do it all. Check out this video of Chloe Dao, designer and winner of season 2 on Project Runway, explaining the ins and outs of daily life in her profession.

At the end of the video, she has a very typical designer problem- a garment she wants to make is too expensive! How can she make it more affordable? What will the costs need to be? What can she leave out?
Get a video of this challenge here. Are you up to it?

There you have it....betcha didn't know that math could be fashionable, did ya?

-Mrs. Meiergerd


  1. I like how you give students math solving problems that connect with their lives. You use a great strategy to motivate students to solve math problems. Who would though to combine math with fashion… great idea!!
    You did a very good job providing videos and other sites for students to have a better understanding of what is presented. I was able to watch the videos, but unfortunately I couldn’t view the article or map. I definitely like the way you end each section with questions for your students to answer; great way to connect every piece together.

  2. Julie- thanks for your comment! I checked the article and the map, they work when I use Google Chrome but not Internet Explorer. Not sure how to fix that one but thank you for letting me know!
